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Queen City Half Marathon

Ambassador PROGRAM


You’re Invited to join the Queen City Family!


Applications are now being accepted for the Queen City Half Marathon’s Ambassador PROGRAM for the 2023 event!

Our community of amazing athletes is always growing, and we want you to help us promote and share news and stories associated with the 2023 Queen City Half Marathon. 


2023 Queen City Half Marathon Ambassador PROGRAM

Ambassador Benefits:

- Complimentary entry into the 2023 race
- Queen City Half apparel package
- Gifts from our sponsors
- Featured on our website


What does an Ambassador do?
Queen City Half Marathon Ambassadors help spread the word about the QCHM to their community!


Queen City Half Marathon Ambassadors should be:
- Passionate and active runners
- Outgoing and friendly people
- Social media savvy


2023 Commitment Includes:
- Active on personal social media accounts posting about the Queen City Half Marathon
- Instagram posts and tags during local events
- Involvement with local running clubs

Become a Queen City Half Marathon Ambassador today!


Sorry to say that we are no longer accepting applications for 2023. Look back later this year for 2024 Ambassador information.

Queen City Running PROJECT

The Queen City Running PROJECT 

is a LIVE running-related show/interview, with topics 

directly related to

running and racing in the #906.

For 2023, we have plans for episodes

highlighting YOGA for runners, footwear reviews, interviews with

local running legends and local

racing information...join us?



Queen City Running




YOGA for Runners 

Tues Feb 21st, 2023

7pm LIVE


Coming SOON!


Coming SOON!


Coming SOON!

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